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University clubs

University clubs are an integral part of campus life. But these are not the clubs for the chosen few that you see in American films - our clubs bring together people interested in culture, sport, the arts and other areas. So whether you want to interact with international students, play hockey, take photos, or participate in cultural events on campus, clubs are the way to do it.

Why join?

Membership in a university club allows you to make valuable friendships outside your study group, year or faculty. It is also one of the most effective tools to develop soft skills such as teamwork, time management or people management. In addition, through your activity you can continuously clarify what role you are most comfortable with in teamwork and move forward in the process of self-discovery, which will be very important for job selection!

How to join a club?

Simply find the contact details of the leader under the relevant society and get in touch via any communication channel. You have nothing to worry about, new members are always welcome.

How to start a club?

You need to register a new society at the Counselling and Career Centre (940). It's easy: just have a few people (min. 2) in the party, a clear purpose and a completed application form. There is NO need to form an organization in the legal sense. The registration form and detailed information can be found in the Rules bellow.

Support and facilities

The Counselling and Career Centre (CCC) provides support to university clubs in a variety of areas.
Do you feel like doing something but don't know exactly which way to go? Drop by our office anytime to discuss your ideas and help direct you to one of the societies or start a new one.
Societies can also contact CCC if they are facing disagreements, differences of opinion or staffing crises, or if they are unsure about technical facilities and production issues.
The CCC allows all registered societies to set up a team in the MS Teams application. If you are interested (and you are the leader of a society), please write an email to the Secretary or the Head of the Computing Centre to request the creation of Teams and add a link to your society's registration form. Someone from K3S will be happy to show you how Teams works!
Actualized: 8.9.2022 15:43, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

A/S/962/1/2018Pravidla pořádání studentských akcí v prostorách VŠCHT28.03.2018
60.59/17Pravidla pro fungování studentských spolků, registrovaných na VŠCHT Praha20.11.2017

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Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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