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Vitriol - UCT student award

Logo VitriolDo you have a favorite teacher at your school who has always motivated you, influenced the direction of your scientific career, or did you just always look forward to their lectures? Do you want to acknowledge his/her work? Nominate him/her for the Vitriol Student Award!

What's going on?

The Vitriol Student Award is an award given by students to the most popular teaching and non-teaching staff at the UCT. The aim is to recognise the work of those who innovate teaching beyond their job responsibilities, who can enthuse us about their field with their passion and knowledge in lectures, and who are a support and mentor whenever we need it. As a sign of respect for their work, which we do not overlook and deeply appreciate, we are recognizing five faculty members as well as one non-teaching staff member each year starting in 2021. In doing so, we would also like to acknowledge the work of people in the dean's and rector's offices, which are equally important to the running of the school and the needs of the students.

How does it work?

The award consists of four consecutive steps, which are managed by an organising team led by K3S.
The first step is the nomination of candidates for the award, in which any of you can get involved in the form described in the following section "How can I get involved?". Awards are given in six categories according to the official school structure:
Teacher - FCT
Teacher  - FET
Teacher  - FFBT
Teacher - FCE
Teacher - non-faculty departments
Non-teacher - Administration of University Facilities, Rector's office and Dean's offices
The second step is to select a shortlist of candidates for the purpose of electing the winner, which will be done by the organizing committee based on the information received from the students during the nomination process. This step results in a list of five to six candidates for the award in each category, supported by relevant arguments.
The third step is the secret ballot of the winners in each category. The voters are student senators from all academic senates, who will decide on the awardees in the following composition:
Teacher - FCT (6 students - 4 AS FCT + 2 AS UCT)
Teacher - FET (6 students - 4 AS FET + 2 AS UCT)
Teacher - FFBT (6 students - 4 AS FFBT + 2 AS UCT)
Teacher - FCE (6 students - 4 AS FCE + 2 AS UCT)
Teacher - All-School Institutes (8 students from AS UCT)
Non-teacher - Administration of University Facilities, Rector's office and Dean's offices (8 students from AS UCT)
Details of the election and the criteria used by the electors are given in the Rules for the Vitriol Student Award.
The fourth step is the award ceremony at the Chemists' Ball, during which each awardee receives a trophy and a diploma. The main student award trophy will be kept in the school premises where it will be used to present the winners and their medallions.

How can I get involved?

As a student, you can nominate teaching and non-teaching staff who you think deserve to win the award. Each student can make 6 nominations, with a maximum of 1 in each category. A nomination form must be completed for each nomination separately, you can submit up to 6 forms for 6 different categories if you are at your full potential. The nomination form is available online only. When nominating, be sure to comment on why you think your favourite should win. The comment is one of the award criteria, so it's really important to fill it in. You can nominate your candidate until September 30.
If you are not sure which category your nominee belongs to, you can always check the University's organisation page or write to the organisers.

Prize winners

The prize was awarded for the first time in 2021


Contact the organisers

You can contact the K3S secretary ( or any student senator at any time.

Ceny Vitriol VŠCHT (autorka - Dominika Petrtýlová)
Cena Vitriol VŠCHT (autorka - Dominika Petrtýlová)
Předávání ceny Vitriol
Laureáti ceny Vitriol za rok 2021

Actualized: 28.11.2024 15:47, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

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