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Laureates of the student award Vitriol 2023

The Vitriol awards were created for the UCT Prague by artist MgA. Dominika Petrtýlová, a recent graduate of UMPRUM in the studio under the guidance of Rony Plesl.


The winners of the third edition of the Vitriol Student Prize 2023 in 6 categories were:

Best teacher of FCT

prof. Ing. Radek Cibulka, Ph.D. from the Department of Organic Chemistry

Professor Cibulka has long been one of the most highly rated teachers not only at the faculty, but at our entire university. In surveys, students particularly highlight his friendliness towards students and his ability to present even complex issues in an understandable and engaging way. In addition, the laureate has demonstrated that he can work with both small and large study groups with high standards. Last but not least, he has made efforts beyond his duties and has been actively involved in the Academic Senate, where he has also been supportive of students over a long period of time, thus helping to create a better atmosphere between students and academics, thus further promoting the improvement of the conditions for successful student learning at the school.

Best teacher of FTE

Ing. Hana Kujalová, Ph.D. from the Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering

Dr. Kujalová is known for her helpful and supportive approach to teaching and laboratory management. She has a wide range of knowledge in theory and practice which she passes on to her students. She gives her utmost attention to her students beyond her duties, not only in supervising their final theses.

Best teacher of FFBT

doc. Ing. Petra Lipovová, Ph.D. from the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology

Associate Professor Lipovová was clearly ranked first in the number of nominations. She regularly receives excellent ratings in student surveys, she supervises a number of student papers, and pedagogy is very high on her list of priorities. She is constantly striving to improve the quality of teaching, both in her own work and as chair of the pedagogical committee of the AS UCT Prague. For these and other merits, she has already received the Rector's Award last year and with this year's award we would like to express our gratitude for her work on behalf of the students of UCT.

Best teacher of FCE

Mgr. Markéta Zikmundová, Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Cybernetics

Dr. Zikmundová manages to make students understand in a humorous, yet high-quality way that studying mathematics does not have to be scary, but can also be fun. With her enthusiasm and energy, she can light up the whole class. She treats her students as equals and if one is not doing well, she can encourage and motivate them, and not just by handing out sweets. When a student reaches a desired goal and accomplishes things they thought were impossible six months ago, Dr. Zikmundová experiences the emotion with the student and lets them know how proud she is of them.

Best teacher of non-faculty departments

RNDr. Jan Havlík, Ph.D. from the Department o Chemical Education and Humanities

Dr. Havlík received very positive feedback in the nominations and student survey, and has long been dedicated to the popularization of chemistry and modern approaches in didactics. Beyond his duties, he is involved, for example, in the pedagogical committee of the AS UCT Prague and tries to make the Department o Chemical Education and Humanities at UCT more visible and develop it.

Best non-teaching staff member

Bc. Lenka Polanská from the Department of International Relations

Ms. Polanská is very accommodating and willing to help all students interested in a foreign experience. Thanks to her, many problems and complications are detected and solved before they can do any more damage, all that with a smile on her face.

Ceny vitriol (foto - Aleš Král)
Radek Cibulka (foto - Aleš Král)
Hana Kujalová (foto - Aleš Král)
Petra Lipovová (foto - Aleš Král)
Markéta Zikmundová (foto - Aleš Král)
Jan Havlík (foto - Aleš Král)
Lenka Polanská (foto - Aleš Král)
Laureáti ceny Vitriol 2023

Actualized: 16.11.2023 10:51, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

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