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Laureates of the student award Vitriol 2021

The award for 2021 was presented at the UCT ball. Due to restrictions related to the COVID-19 disease, this did not take place until April 2022.

The Vitriol awards were created for the UCT Prague by artist MgA. Dominika Petrtýlová, a recent graduate of UMPRUM in the studio under the guidance of Rony Plesl.


The winners of the first edition of the Vitriol Student Prize 2021 in 6 categories were:

Best teacher of FCT

prof. Ing. Petr Zámostný, Ph.D. from the Department of Organic Technology
Prof. Zámostný has an excellent rating and a comparable number of nominations with the other candidates. The following characteristics that distinguish this candidate from the others are also the reasons that convinced us to award the Vitriol Prize: 
Although Prof. Zámostný does not teach a Common Core course, he has a large number of ratings and comments in the Surveys. He responds very constructively to all these comments. We are also very positive about the fact that he is not afraid to confront negative criticism, which he is able to accept and work with.
We also appreciate the fact that Prof. Zámostný is currently performing excellently as Vice Dean for Education at the Faculty of Chemical Technology and that he is extremely helpful to students whenever anything needs to be addressed.

Best teacher of FET

Ing. Marek Staf, Ph.D. from the Deprtment of Gaseous and Solid Fuels and Air Protection
Dr. Staf is a professional with a successful career in industry, which he decided to further develop in academia. His lectures are very popular with students, even though they are often in the afternoon. In his lectures, the doctor repeatedly confirms his broad knowledge and human approach to students.  He presents difficult topics in a clear manner and has clearly defined criteria and a fair approach in the examination. He supplements his lectures with extra-curricular excursions and participates in faculty representation, for example in the Academic Senate of the University of Applied Sciences and at open days.

Best teacher for FFBT

doc. Ing. Iveta Hrádková, Ph.D. from the Department of Dairy, Fat and Cosmetics 
The committee considers the Vitriol Award as an opportunity to motivate educators to be proactive with students and to present excellent teachers who do not have the support of communication with a large number of students in common core courses. Doc. Iveta Hrádková addressed the committee with her conscientious approach to lecturing, her efforts to meet students and to implement new methods even in times of limited teaching due to the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. The committee evaluates extremely positively the approach of doc. Hrádková's approach to answering students' comments in the student information system. Last but not least, the committee appreciates her efforts to enrich her lectures with practical experience. We believe that this award will be a motivation for teachers from smaller institutes to constantly innovate their courses, but also a motivation for students to choose courses from these institutes more, because our faculty offers many more teachers of exceptional quality.  

Best teacher of FCE

Dr. Ing. Pavel Vrbka from the Department of Physical Chemistry
Dr. Vrbka had a very positive feedback from a large number of students for both online and face-to-face teaching. Other educators could learn from his exemplary readiness for distance learning. Dr. Vrbka's teaching is unique, delivered in a humorous manner, while maintaining a high quality and level of required knowledge. We greatly appreciate his approach to teaching physical chemistry labs, which can perhaps be expressed in just one word, "Chief". His long-standing appreciation of tradition, for example in the form of the now legendary needle printers, should also be held up as an example. With the naturalness inherent in him, the educator is humane, humorous, modest and one certainly does not get bored in his presence.

Best teacher of non-faculty departments

doc. RNDr. Ing. Hana Scholleová, Ph.D. from the Department of Economics and Management
The associate professor had the absolute highest number of nominations and excellent ratings from students in the SIS survey.  Her award can serve as a good motivation for other teachers in new economic fields at the UCT Prague. The committee also appreciated her work during the Covid-19 pandemic and her individual approach to students.

Best non-teaching staff member

Šárka Dintarová from the FET Dean's Office
Ms. Dintarová has an exceptional human approach to her students, and despite her often demanding work with masters and bachelors, she always puts the person first, not a column in a spreadsheet. At the same time, the committee praised the decor and cheerful atmosphere that has long prevailed in the FTOP Dean's Office, as well as the use of social media and contact with students during the challenging period of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (01)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (02)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (03)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (04)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (05)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (06)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (07)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (08)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (09)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (10)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (11)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (12)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (13)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (14)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (15)
Předávání ceny Vitriol za rok 2021 (16)
Dominika Petrtylova - cena Vitriol VSCHT-1
Dominika Petrtylova - cena Vitriol VSCHT-2
Dominika Petrtylova - cena Vitriol VSCHT-3
Dominika Petrtylova - cena Vitriol VSCHT-4

Actualized: 4.11.2022 16:01, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

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