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Laureates of the student award Vitriol 2022

The Vitriol awards were created for the UCT Prague by artist MgA. Dominika Petrtýlová, a recent graduate of UMPRUM in the studio under the guidance of Rony Plesl.


The winners of the second edition of the Vitriol Student Prize 2022 in 6 categories were:

Best teacher of FCT

Ing. Petra Ménová, Ph.D. from the Department of Organic Chemistry

Ing. Petra Ménová, Ph.D. is highly appreciated by students for the high quality of her teaching, materials provided as well as her individual approach to students. The committee sees the Vitriol Award as an opportunity to recognize both deserving and experienced teachers for their long-standing and high-quality educational activities, as well as an opportunity to recognize and further motivate young promising teachers. Dr. Ménová has also been involved in the organization of the Chemistry Olympiad for a long time. The committee appreciates the very positive response of Dr. Ménová to her evaluation in the student survey.

Best teacher of FFBT

Doc. Ing. Jan Staňek, CSc. from the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds

Lifetime teaching performance of doc. Staňek is worthy of recognition. Students attending his courses have long been very satisfied with his original and witty approach to the complex problems of organic chemistry of natural substances. His art of illustrating difficult to grasp topics with simple examples from everyday life helps to awaken students' interest in chemistry, for which doc. Staněk definitely deserves the Vitriol Award.

Best teacher of FET

Dr. Ing. Pavla Šmejkalová from the Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering

Dr. Ing. Pavla Šmejkalová has long been known for her human approach to teaching and especially to students. In addition to her teaching and scientific commitments, she is very intensively involved in the modernization of the promotion and representation of the faculty, for example by organizing public events such as Open Door's days of UCT, Scientists' Night and ScienceFest.

Best teacher of FCE

RNDr. Pavel Galář, Ph.D. from the Deaprtment of Physics and Measurement

Dr. Galář has received very positive feedback from a large number of students on his teaching and popularization lectures. Dr. Galář's teaching is delivered in a humorous manner, but at the same time he maintains high quality, necessary level of required knowledge, and manages to cover all the topics needed to pass the course. We very much appreciate his approach to his students, whom he treats as equals. We very much appreciate his own initiative in organizing Nobel Lectures, Physics Demonstrations and organizing SVK (student scientific conference). We wish him every success in his teaching and research career.

Best teacher of non-faculty departments

Ing. Roman Thomas Sedlar, MBA, Msc from the Department of Languages

Very positive feedback from students, able to present teaching in a very engaging way - given that Vitriol is the award for the best teacher, these were found to be the most relevant criteria. Students consider the Language Department to be a very important part of the school and the award to Ing. Sedlar to highlight the important role that language learning plays at the school.

Best non-teaching staff member

Tomáš Filous from the Department of Chemical Engineering

As a laboratory technician, Mr Filous is an integral part and icon of the chemical engineering laboratories. His ever-present humour, which regularly shows itself already during the initial training before the first laboratory task, creates a very human atmosphere throughout the whole course, which is certainly not commonplace in laboratories. It is Mr. Filous's working comfort and human approach that makes chemical engineering labs what they are, a student favorite subject. And remember, especially don't drain the manometric fluid, or you know what you're in for.


Actualized: 16.11.2023 10:51, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

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