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We are a group of enthusiastic students and researchers from VŠCHT who have decided to support, encourage, and empower each other on the challenging journey of higher education and scientific careers.

Our mission

We all know that scientific research can be a stressful journey, on which you are expected to be a master of different things such as public speaking, writing scientific articles and research grant proposals, teaching, having a clear mind filled with imagination, respecting deadlines, and, still, to be a kind person with the understanding to yourself and the others. It’s very tough to be everything, but easier and even funny with the others!

We create a friendly environment for sharing ideas, knowledge, general survival tips and many more by organizing a range of activities you can see on the list of working groups. Would you like to join some of the groups? Or do you have a new idea for an activity you would like to realize? Let’s register and/or contact us!


We are bringing interesting speakers from various fields to lecture us about their topic. - Deep Mind lectures

Investing time and interest into hardware projects, various forms of modern engineering and art. - Craft Club

Actualized: 10.7.2024 21:24, Author: Jonas Priskin

Upcoming events


Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

Copyright VŠCHT Praha
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