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Deep Mind Lectures

Bringing knowledgeable speakers to UCT Prague. Invited lectures on various science related topics, students and academics welcomed.

Being overburdened by lab work and research might make you vulnerable to tunnel vision and isolation. From time to time, it is necessary to take a deep breath and broaden your knowledge through different perspectives and to challenge yourself with ideas from the outside world. The UNIQORN Deep Mind working group organizes invited lectures given by professionals from a variety of backgrounds, sometimes scientific‑related, sometimes not, nevertheless, always enriching our scientific minds! Besides this, we are also focusing on the psychological aspects of our community. Thus, we plan to organize lectures raising awareness about mental health and social issues.


Tereza Leonhardt




Record of lectures

24/12/04 - Gruberová: Symmetries of the particle world

24/11/11 - Kohout: Conversations with Molecules - How to Speak Their Language

24/05/22 - Panel discussion: AI in academia

24/05/09 - Kovaříková: Dogs, cats, and their kidneys - where are we regarding diagnostics?

24/04/04 - Pikal: I hope there's no chemistry in that: how to ban nanomaterials

23/12/19 - Londesborough: When cluster molecules get excited alias Boranes ‑ A Source of Light!

23/11/14 - Sedlacek: Can we handle fire? Ecology of fire in the Czech Republic.

22/11/24 - Coughlin: Recreating the Perfumery of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece

22/11/10 - Majer: The stories of drugs

22/10/12 - Pokorny: The future is coming, as yet unknown

Actualized: 23.1.2025 14:15, Author: Jonáš Priškin

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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