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UCT Chess Club

 ◳ Logo_UCT_Chess_Club (png) → (šířka 215px)Chess club for students, graduates and friends of UCT - from beginners to experts!

Who we are?

We are a chess club, founded for the purpose of creating and strengthening the chess community at UCT and the surrounding area and attracting more members from around universities, colleges and chess clubs. We cater to all levels of players and everyone can play with us - from complete beginners to chess masters.

What does that get you?

The opportunity to learn the rules, improve your chess skills, meet new people with similar interests, try puzzles on our website, great experiences from physical tournaments and trophies for placement (possible to participate in regular tournaments where you can try playing against players from your level, and maybe even win one of the many excellent prizes for placement). We try to make chess a fun and relaxing activity for everyone interested.


At the end of the "covid era", we moved from online events to physical events, which include semester-long Winter and Summer chess tournaments, and tournaments on special occasions, but we also still organize online events, namely the UCT Chess League, in which points are earned for participation and placement in online arenas.


All important information about past, future and current events and plans can be found on our website

Dates, contacts and all important information can also be found on our Chess at UCT Facebook page.

All posts and events are also posted on our UCT Chess Club Microsoft Teams channel.

In case of need, wish or proposal, do not hesitate to contact us at any of the following email addresses:
or call 773290798

Actualized: 22.3.2023 07:55, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

Copyright VŠCHT Praha
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