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Kovaříková: Dogs, cats, and their kidneys - where are we regarding diagnostics?

Speaker 3

The kidneys have irreplaceable functions in maintaining the homeostasis of the body. Kidney dysfunction is quite common in both dogs and cats. But are we able to diagnose kidney diseases? And can we easily apply information gained from human medicine?

MVDr. Simona Kovaříková, Ph.D., graduated from the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno. Until the end of 2015, she worked as an assistant professor at the Dog and Cat Department at The University of Veterinary Sciences Brno, specializing in diseases of their urinary systems. Since 2016, she has been working at the Department of Animal Protection and Welfare & Veterinary Public Health at The University of Veterinary Sciences Brno.

Actualized: 25.10.2024 16:25, Author: Dajana Kolářová

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