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Do you have ideas on how to move the university forward, but feel like no one will talk to you? Do you want to join existing projects? Do you want to become a part of the never-ending process of finding the best way to operate the university?
Student senators are your representatives in the management of UCT Prague and in the management of individual faculties, where they defend the interests of all of us and ensure that students have the best possible conditions for their studies. You can contact the student senators whenever you have an idea, constructive criticism, comment or any problem related to the organization of the university or faculty.
Students are in principle (and by law) an essential part of the educational process. At universities, students are directly involved in making decisions about the school's future through academic senates.
Being a senator is hard work and you can't get much done in one election period, that's why senators join together in a larger body - a college, where former senators, unsuccessful candidates and others cooperate.  There is no need to jump straight into unknown waters - you can get involved in other ways than through candidacy!

Who we are?

The Academic Senate is by law the highest decision-making body of every university and faculty. Its main agenda includes approving the budget and approving the rector's/dean's returns and internal directives. There are five senates in total. One "large" school-wide one (AS UCT) and one "small" at each faculty (e.g. AS FCE). In the large senate, the student chamber has 8 representatives (2 from each faculty in any degree). There are always 4 student representatives in the faculty senates, two doctoral and two bachelor + master students. Elections to the student section of all senates are held uniformly every fall. Students make up roughly a third of all members in each senate. The rest are made up of academic staff of faculties and individual institutes. The current representation of students in senates can be found on the Czech section of the website.

What's in for you?

Being a senator will give you experience of running a university and an insight into what it's like from the other side of the department. You will learn to act in a team and negotiate compromise solutions to problems. If you want to become a senator, nominate yourself in the next elections, which will be held in the fall. If you think you don't have enough experience for this yet, join K3S first and get involved in solving various projects unofficially.


 Do you want to join or do you have any questions/suggestions? Contact us at
Actualized: 8.9.2022 13:38, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

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166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
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Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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