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Facilities - exhibit in the respirium

The exhibition spaces of UCT Prague are available to artists from among the students of the school.

The project provides facilities for passionate UCT students and creates a space in which it is possible to freely try and explore different approaches to artistic expression. A backdrop for free artistic research in professional conditions, limited only by one's own creativity.
From applied to free art; from painting to performance; from visual to conceptual work; from photography to sound art; from gesture to text; ...
The exhibition is open to anyone who is enrolled to study at UCT Prague and who is active in the field of creative expression. The project is open to all authorial approaches and wants to reach all authors, regardless of the medium they work with.
In the case of an application from a broader artistic team or collective, it is a requirement that the initiator of the project is a student of UCT.
Please send a short description of your creative intention together with examples or documentation of your work to: Annemarie Havlíčková, Lumír Košař and Anna Ničová will be looking forward to hearing from you.
For selected projects we offer:
  • Respiria Gallery exhibition space for your authorial realization.
  • The possibility of providing professional artistic guidance for both emerging and experienced artists (curatorial/dramaturgical/directing/production/...)
  • Consultation and professional feedback from the curatorial team
  • Ensuring production costs for the realization of the exhibition
  • Promotion through university social networks
  • Opening ceremony
  • Potential for further collaboration
Are you hesitating? Don't hesitate to get in touch. We are happy to discuss any idea.

Realized exhibitions 

The exhibition Moments of Saturation by student Alina Mamedová was the first ever realized project of the Facilities initiative. The opening ceremony took place on 12 April 2022. The exhibition will be on display in the school's respirium in Building B until at least the end of May. 
You can also follow Alina's work at @alcha89.

Alina Mamedová - Momenty saturace (foto: Aleš Král)


Actualized: 8.9.2022 16:07, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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