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čas: 15.9.2024 15:14:48
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Chess tournament

Šachy, lepsi

It's chess, not darts, so I don't want to see someone attacking an opponent with a bishop!

In order to maximize the representation of inpidual faculties, this is an inpidual competition, but with a significant modification to maintain the spirit of the Arrow Cup, which aims to involve as many students as possible.
Unfortunately, this would not be possible in traditional teams with a limited number of players.

Therefore, the tournament system is set as follows:

  • It is played in inpiduals using the Swiss system.
  • Players always play two games against each other (swapping the starting colour)
  • Time limit: 3 min (+2s) per player per game 
  • Win: 2 points; Draw: 1 point; Loss: 0 points
  • Each faculty has 4 spots reserved for the tournament, with a total capacity of 30 players
  • At the end of the tournament, the points of the top 4 players from each faculty will be added together to create the final faculty standings.
  • The faculties are awarded 1-4 points according to their ranking, in case of equal points, the faculties are awarded points for the better of the two places (2nd-3rd place = 3 points)

Note: The number of rounds is determined by the organizers on the spot according to the number of participating players.

Actualized: 9.9.2022 15:48, Author: Patrik Bouřa

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166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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