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Carbon PubQuiz


A discipline in which the faculty's representative team must deal with tricky questions, knowledge of long-forgotten musical genres and alcohol intoxication. The team is selected by the captain himself and the quiz is governed by the rules of the event organizers.


According to the position of the teams  
1. place 4    points
2. place 3    points
3. place 2    points
4. place 1    point
Bonus point 0,5 point (Beer relay)

Teams are ranked according to their final standings. For example, the FCE team finishes 2nd overall, FCT 4th, FBBT 7th and FET 8th, so for the Šípek's the FCE is 1st, FCT 2nd, FBBT 3rd and FET 4th.
Beer Relay - All team members take turns drinking a beer (0.5 l), which they place on their head with the bottom up to show they have finished (a sign for the next team to start drinking) and the fastest team wins. You buy your own beer, stinkers ...
Actualized: 9.9.2022 15:53, Author: Patrik Bouřa

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166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
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Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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