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Collegium of Student Senates and Clubs

Your chance to let your ideas and comments about the school be heard, to put your hand to work and leave an indelible mark on the school. A student platform for current issues of direction and reform of UCT Prague.

Who are we?

K3S - czech abbreviation of Collegium of Student Senates and Clubs - is an advisory body to the Student Branch of the University's Academic Senate. It brings together active students from all corners of the school, both from the "political" - senate level and the "civic" - university club level. However, anyone who is interested in helping can participate. The main purpose is to coordinate the implementation of student interests across the school, from events to pedagogy to architecture.

What's in for you?

Broad awareness of and influence on events, insight into the political reality of things. The opportunity to leave a lasting legacy, regular contact with the most active. Opportunities and benefits. References and experience strong for any future, be it related to leadership, innovation, reform, influence, politics, representation, lobbying.



Výjezdní zasedání, podzim 2021
On-line schůze 7. 4. 2021
On-line schůze 24. 3. 2021

Actualized: 9.9.2022 12:03, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

Copyright VŠCHT Praha
Za informace odpovídá Oddělení komunikace, technický správce Výpočetní centrum

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