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Biosenzory - logoWe are a team of students of the UCT Prague, participating in the international competition SensUs.

Who are we?

Biosensors is an association of students interested in technology and its use in healthcare. We participate in the international student competition SensUs, where enthusiastic teams of university students from Europe and beyond develop a functional biosensor according to a given theme. The competition runs throughout the academic year and the competing teams will then showcase their creations at the SensUs Innovation Days in August, where not only the competitors, students and university representatives will be present, but also representatives from various companies in the field will be able to see the results of the year's work.

What do we do?

A major part of our work is the development of a prototype capable of determining the amount of a selected bioanalyte as accurately as possible. We are also involved in promoting the project and communicating with sponsoring companies, academics and other experts in the field. In addition to working in the lab itself, we get to experience working on a real project from start to finish.

Who can join?

As you can see, our work doesn't just revolve around chemistry and engineering, but students of any major can be part of the society. The only restriction is that only undergraduate and postgraduate students can participate. Recruitment of new members takes place at the beginning of the academic year, before the start of the competition itself. You can keep up to date with the latest information on our social media.


Actualized: 3.5.2024 16:27, Author: Lukáš Mrazík

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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